Batman: “Psalms 53 tells us of the wickedness of mankind.”

Robin: “Gosh, Batman, how can anyone be so terrible?”

Batman: “It is a sad truth, young Robin, but the Psalmist speaks of a people who have no God and have no understanding of right and wrong.”

Joker: “Heh heh heh. What a bunch of fools. That's why I always get away with my dastardly deeds.”

Batman: “You will never escape justice, Joker. For God looks down on everyone, even the wicked.”

Robin: “And God will bring justice to those who do wrong.”

Catwoman: “Ooh, justice. I love it when justice is served.”

Penguin: “Yes, but I much rather prefer when I get away with my mischief.”

Batman: “That may be the case, Penguin, but in the end, the Psalmist reminds us to put our trust in the Lord. He will protect us and provide for us.”

Robin: “That is such a comforting thought, Batman.”

Batman: “Indeed it is, Robin. Indeed it is.”