Peter: Alright, so this is Psalms chapter 53. It starts off by saying, 'The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.' Lois: Wow, that's kind of harsh. Peter: Yeah, but turns out God is real, and the people who deny it are just fooling themselves. Brian: I mean, even the people in the '90s movie Armageddon knew that. Brian: What about the rest of it? Peter: Well, according to this, God looks down from Heaven and sees that everyone is corrupted and there's no one who does any good. Lois: That's really depressing. Peter: Yeah, but then it says that God will scatter the bones of the wicked and put them to shame. Quagmire: Kind of like what happened to the guy who thought he could take on Michael Jordan one-on-one. Peter: Yeah, exactly.