Peter: Alright, let's get this Bible thingy started. Chapter 116 of Psalms, here we go!

Lois: So what does it say?

Peter: Well, according to this, it says that I'll love the Lord because He heard my voice and my supplications.

Brian: Yeah, and then it also says that He has put my soul in a safe place and He has not let me die.

Stewie: So, like, is this like a metaphor for God saving you from the zombie apocalypse or something?

Peter: Eh, I don't think so, Stewie. But it does say that the Lord has been gracious to me and has saved me from death, and now I can go around telling everyone about His wonders.

Lois: That's wonderful!

Brian: Yeah, then it also says that the Lord is good and His mercy endures forever.

Peter: Oooh, and it also says that I should return to the Lord and keep all His commandments, and I should keep His testimonies and His statutes.

Stewie: Yeah, and then you get like a million gold coins or something. Am I right?

Peter: No, Stewie, that doesn't happen. But it does say that I should sacrifice a thank offering to the Lord and call upon His name.

Lois: That sounds like a beautiful thing to do.

Brian: Yeah, and then it also says that I should pay my vows to the Lord in the presence of all His people.

Peter: Alright, that's all it says. Anything else we should know?

Stewie: Well, I just want to point out that I'm the smartest one here.