Peter: Alright, so in Psalms 50, God is like, "Gather to me my faithful ones who made a covenant with me by sacrifice!" Then he's like, "The heavens declare his righteousness, for God himself is judge."

Lois: Oh man, that's a bummer!

Stewie: Oh come on, this is like the seventh time God's been a bummer this chapter!

Brian: Yeah, God's really being a drag! But hey, at least he's consistent!

Chris: I don't get it, what's the point of this chapter?

Quagmire: I think it's about God reminding us that he's in charge and we should be obedient to him.

Peter: Yeah, and he's like, "Bring your thanksgiving into the house of God and pay your vows to the Most High."

Lois: Wow, so it's kind of like a reminder that God is always watching and we should stay in line!

Stewie: Yeah, like a parent reminding us to not be naughty or we won't get our allowance!

Brian: Heh, it's like God is our allowance giver.

Chris: Hey, I got it! This is just like that episode of Family Guy where Peter tries to get out of taking a bath by saying God won't let him!

Quagmire: Ha, yeah! Good one.