Peter: Alright, in Psalms 36, we got this guy David who's talkin' 'bout God's loving kindness, and how it's like a river of life.

Brian: Yeah, he's lovin' it!

Chris: Yeah, and then he talks about how the wicked will fall, but the righteous will be blessed.

Lois: Like a scene from Grease!

Peter: Yeah, and then he says that God's faithfulness reaches up to the heavens.

Joe: Wow, better than an '80s power ballad!

Quagmire: And then he says that God's righteousness is like the highest mountains.

Cleveland: Better than the Rocky soundtrack!

Stewie: And then he says that God's judgments are like the deepest sea.

Meg: It's like an epic movie montage!

Peter: That's right, and then he talks about God's loving kindness being shown to all people.

Brian: Like a Hallmark movie!