Peter: Alright, so Psalms 61. Let's see... It starts out with David crying out to God from a far-off land, asking Him to hear his prayer and come to his rescue.

Lois: Oh yeah, like that time I needed a rescue from the Gap at the mall?

Peter: Sure thing, Lois. Then he talks about how he's looking for a safe place to stay, a place of refuge and security.

Brian: Like the Death Star?

Peter: Uh, sure. Anyway, he says God is the only one who can provide him with the protection he needs.

Stewie: Well, he could always just hire the A-Team.

Peter: Yeah, sure. He talks about how he wants to sing praises to God, and promises to always put his trust and hope in Him.

Lois: Like that time I put my trust in those miracle diet pills?

Peter: Uh, sure. He ends by saying that God's loving kindness and faithfulness will always be with him.

Brian: Just like Han Solo and Chewbacca!