Peter: Alright, so this is Psalms 56. Lois: Ugh, what's it about? Peter: Well, it's about David, and it's talking about how God will keep him safe and how he should have faith in Him. Meg: Yeah, and it's like, if you trust in God, then He will save you from all your troubles or something. Peter: Exactly. Oh, and then it also mentions something about how David's enemies will be shamed and he'll be exalted. Stewie: Oh, sounds like something out of the Matrix. You know, like if you trust in God, you can have anything you want. Like a blue pill or something. Lois: Alright, that's enough. Just get back to the summary. Peter: Oh, right. So, yeah, basically it's like, if you trust in God, then He will take care of everything and He'll take care of you. Meg: And then you'll be safe and happy and all your enemies will be ashamed. Like, it's a really empowering message. Stewie: Yeah, like if you trust in God, no one can stop you. Kind of like if you have the Force, you can win any battle.