Peter: Alright, so Psalms 110... Let's see. It starts off with the Lord saying to the King, 'Sit at My right hand, until I make Your enemies Your footstool.'

Lois: That's pretty tough talk!

Brian: Yeah, but the Lord's got a point. He's like, 'Hey, you're the King, so act like it!'

Stewie: Hmph, like anyone in this house knows what it's like to be a King.

Peter: [laughs] Yeah, like you're gonna be King one day, Stewie!

Stewie: Hey, never say never.

Peter: Anyways, so then the Lord makes a promise to the King. He promises the King will be a priest forever, in the way of Melchizedek.

Lois: Whoa, that's a pretty big promise!

Brian: Yeah, and it's a pretty important one. It shows that the Lord is standing behind the King, no matter what.

Peter: Right. Then it ends with the Lord saying, 'The Lord at Your right hand will strike through kings in the day of His wrath.'

Lois: Wow, that's pretty intense.

Brian: Yeah, it's like the Lord is saying, 'Don't mess with me or my King!'

Stewie: Which is why I always say, 'Don't mess with the Lord or the King or you could find yourself in a world of trouble!' [pauses] Like the world of trouble that I found myself in when I tried to take over the world! [laughs]