Lois: Alright, so what have we got here?

Peter: Well, according to Stewie, this is Psalms 106.

Lois: What does it say?

Stewie: It says that the people of Israel should give thanks for the Lord's wonderful deeds and for the wonders He performed for them.

Brian: So like, when the Lord parted the Red Sea?

Stewie: Yes, like that! It also says that the people should remember to obey the Lord's commands and not to forget what He has done for them.

Peter: Yeah, like when He sent the 10 plagues on Egypt or when He gave the people the Ten Commandments.

Lois: Good point. So what else does it say?

Stewie: It says that the people should remember to be faithful to the Lord and to be kind to the strangers among them.

Brian: And not to forget the time when they wandered in the wilderness and God provided them with food and water.

Peter: Like when He sent the manna from Heaven?

Stewie: Yes, like that! The psalm also tells the people to be careful and not to forget the Lord's covenant with them.

Lois: Wow, so much important stuff!

Brian: Yeah, and it's all wrapped up in an entertaining dialogue!