Batman: "Gotham City is full of many mysteries, but none so mysterious as the words of King David in Psalms 49!

Robin: Holy scripture, Batman!

Batman: Indeed, Robin. The Psalms tell us that the foolish people of the world are wasting their money by trying to buy a way out of death.

Catwoman: What fools! Death is the one thing that money can't buy!

Batman: Exactly! The Psalms remind us that our life is fleeting, and that death is inevitable. We should spend our time wisely and focus on the things that will last forever.

Joker: Ha ha ha! What a waste of time! Who wants to think about death? I'd rather live it up and enjoy life while I can!

Batman: But Joker, the Psalms remind us that we should use our short time on earth to do good and to serve God.

Riddler: What a curious riddle! I'm intrigued!

Batman: Yes, Riddler. The Psalms remind us to live wisely and serve God, and that in the end, it is only God who can save us.