Folks, here's the deal. I'm gonna tell you about Psalms 22. It's a real doozy of a chapter. My father used to say "It's a real humdinger!" See here, Jack, the Psalmist is literally crying out in anguish to the Lord. He's in a tough spot, and he's asking for help. He's feeling forsaken and is wondering why God has abandoned him. He's feeling disconnected and is asking to be remembered. He's feeling vulnerable and is asking for protection. And then, c'mon man, he turns to praise. He's praising God's faithfulness and his mighty power. He's thanking him for his mercy and his goodness. And then, uh, you know, the Psalmist ends with a request. He's asking God to come to his rescue and to save him from his enemies. That's Psalms 22, no malarkey!