Folks, my father used to say that there's nothing like a good psalm. And I'm not joking, Psalm 64 is just that. See here, Jack, it's all about how God protects his people from danger and how His enemies are crushed. I mean, literally, God is described as shooting arrows from the heavens! Or uh, you know, the enemies are described as being confused and dismayed, and they stumble and fall. It's like they're in a thicket and can't get out. C'mon, man! That's powerful stuff. What was that? God's people are safe and secure? Not gonna happen. I tell you what, if God is on your side, nothing can hurt you. That's why this Psalm is so important. Listen, Jack, it reminds us that we can trust God to protect us. Excuse me, but there's no malarkey here - He'll always be here for us. Here's the deal: no matter what, God is always with us.