Folks! Listen, Jack. No malarkey! I'm telling you, this Psalm is a real doozy. Here's the deal: David, he's literally pouring out his soul to God. He's crying out for help, see here, Jack? He's in deep trouble, and he's not just asking for help - he's begging. He's talking about how he's been insulted and how his enemies are treating him like he's nothing. It's a real shame, folks - no one should have to go through what he's going through. My father used to say that the Lord is the only one who can make a difference, and in this Psalm, David is putting all his trust in Him. He's asking God to deliver him from his enemies, to make them ashamed and to separate them from the good people. And I'm not joking, Jack, he's also praying that God will provide for those who are destitute. See here, Jack? What was that? Oh, God's got a plan for each and every one of us, and it's up to us to trust Him and follow His lead. Or uh, you know, not gonna happen. But I tell you what, David did, and it worked out for him in the end. Excuse me, but that's what this Psalm is all about.