Folks, see here, Jack: I'm gonna tell you a thing or two about Psalms 113. My father used to say that the Lord is high above all nations, that His glory is above the Heavens, and that literally, He is exalted above all the people on the Earth. No malarkey! I'm not joking: He raises the poor out of the dust and lifts the needy out of the dunghill. He puts them in a place of honor, even with princes, and gives them a throne of glory. Excuse me, but what was that? He makes the barren woman the joyous mother of children. C'mon, man! That's something else! Here's the deal, Jack: He'll fulfill the desires of those who fear Him. He hears their cry and saves them. I tell you what: He'll not forget the desire of the humble; He will not hide His face from them; He will show them His favor. Or uh, you know, literally, He will give them the desires of their hearts. Not gonna happen? I'm telling you, it will!