Joe: Alright, so what do we got here? Psalms 128?

Bible Expert: Yes, it's a beautiful passage. It begins with a blessing to those who fear the Lord, as they will be blessed in their work and their homes.

Joe: Oh wow, so if you're religious and follow God, you'll be blessed in your work and your home?

Bible Expert: That's right. And it goes on to say that such people will be blessed with many children and their crops will be plentiful.

Joe: That's wild! Jamie, can you Google if there's any correlation between religiosity and fertility?

Jamie: Uh, sure Joe.

Bible Expert: In addition, it states that one who fears the Lord will be like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in due season and whose leaves will never wither.

Joe: That's a powerful metaphor. So what's the overall message here?

Bible Expert: Well, the overall message is that those who fear the Lord will be blessed and have a fruitful life.