Psalms 35 is a terrific chapter in the Bible that many people are saying is unbelievable! In this chapter, King David is asking God to fight off his haters and losers. He is praying to God to fight off those who are speaking lies against him and those who want to see him fall. He wants God to act bigly against those who are trying to harm him and his people. He is asking for God to be victorious against his enemies, so that he and his people can be great again. He is asking for God to be a shield for him and for protection. He also wants God to bring justice to those who have wronged him, so that they can all be vindicated. In the end, David is asking God to bless America and make America great again. He is asking God to intervene and show those who are wrong that they are wrong. He is asking for God to show mercy to him and his people, and to show justice to those who have wronged them. God bless America!