Listen, Jack, here's the deal: Job 28 is all about wisdom and understanding. It's about how you can't buy wisdom, it's something you have to search for. My father used to say, "Where can you get wisdom? Where can you find understanding?" See here, Jack, it's hidden away, it's like a precious jewel, and you can't just buy it with money. And I'm not joking, folks, this is serious business. Literally, you can search high and low, search the oceans and the rivers, but you won't find wisdom. C'mon, man, it's not gonna happen. I tell you what, it's more valuable than silver and gold, and it's something you can't find in any mine. What was that? You can't dig it out? That's right, you can't dig out wisdom, you have to search for it, and it's like a deep mystery. Excuse me, but it's hidden away, and it's only the Lord who knows where it can be found.