Well, folks, this week's Bible chapter is Luke 18. It's a wild one. It starts off with Jesus talking about how important it is to pray constantly, which is a good message, but it gets weird. He then tells a parable about a widow who keeps pestering a judge to help her, until the judge finally gives in and helps her. And then, Jesus talks about how God will be even quicker to help us, if we pray to him. And then, Jesus tells another parable, this time about a Pharisee and a tax collector, both of whom pray in the temple. The Pharisee brags about how good he is, but the tax collector asks for God's mercy. Jesus says that the tax collector was the one who was heard by God. Finally, Jesus talks about how hard it is for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God. So, the moral of this chapter is, don't be a show-off, and don't be too rich. That's Luke 18.