Listen up, recruits! This is Luke 18. Startin' off with a parable--a story with a moral lesson. This one's about a judge who don't fear God, but this widow keeps pesterin' him until he finally decides to give her justice. Moral of the story? God will avenge His elect. Hold tight to that one. Now, get ready to hear some more parables. Jesus is tellin' 'em to the disciples, so pay attention. This one's about two men who go to the temple to pray. One's a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. The Pharisee brags about how holy he is, but the tax collector just humbly asks for mercy. Jesus says the tax collector got it right--humility is key. Then Jesus tells the story of the lost son. Kid runs off, wastes all his inheritance, and comes back. His dad welcomes him with open arms and a party. Jesus is sayin' that God will accept us when we come back to Him. Finally, Jesus talks about a rich man and a beggar named Lazarus. Rich man dies and goes to hell, but Lazarus goes to heaven. Moral? Don't be like the rich man--give to the poor. That's Luke 18. Dismissed!