Folks, here's the deal. I'm not joking, I'm telling you what, Luke 18 is the real deal. I know it happened a long time ago, but I tell you, it's as true today as it was then. No malarkey! See here, Jack, Jesus told a parable, and here's the story. A judge was in town and he wasn't a nice one. He didn't care about nobody, not even God. But then a widow came to him and she said, "Listen, Jack, I need justice!" And the judge said, "C'mon, man! You're not gonna get justice from me!" But the widow wouldn't take "no" for an answer, and she kept bugging him, day after day. Finally, the judge said, "Uh, you know, I guess I gotta give you justice, so you'll leave me alone!" And Jesus said, "Literally, this is what the Kingdom of God is like. If we pray and ask for something, God will hear us and give us what we need." My Father used to say, "What was that? Heaven helps those who help themselves." And that's what I'm telling you, folks. God will answer our prayers if we just keep asking. No matter how long it takes, God will answer. That's the real deal. Not gonna happen. Excuse me.