Folks! Luke 19 tells the story of Jesus entering Jerusalem as the crowds cry out "Hosanna!" and lay down their cloaks and palm branches. But then Jesus gets angry at the merchants in the temple who are taking advantage of the people who come to worship. He turns over their tables and drives them out, literally. My father used to say, "No malarkey!" See here, Jack, Jesus then tells a parable about a nobleman who goes away on a journey and then returns to give his servants money to invest. The ones that do well receive rewards, and the ones that don't are punished. Then, Jesus goes up a mountain and looks out over Jerusalem and weeps. He says, "If only you knew the things that make for peace!" Excuse me, then he enters the city, and the crowds keep chanting "Hosanna!" But the Pharisees tell Jesus to make them stop, and here's the deal, Jesus says, "If they were silent, the stones would shout out!" What was that? C'mon, man! Jesus then goes to the temple and teaches the people. He's so popular that even the children shout out praises! That's Luke 19 in a nutshell, or uh, you know, Biden nut shell. Not gonna happen!