Batman: Robin, the story of Luke 19 is about a man named Zacchaeus.
Robin: Gosh Batman, who is he?
Batman: He is a chief tax collector, and he was very wealthy.
Joker: (interrupting) Well, that's no fun!
Batman: On the contrary, Joker, this is a story of redemption. Zacchaeus wanted to meet Jesus, but the crowds were too big. So, he climbed a tree to see him.
Robin: Wow! And what happened?
Batman: Jesus saw him and called out to him by name. He offered to stay in Zacchaeus' home, and Zacchaeus was so moved he promised to give half of his wealth to the poor and pay back anyone he had cheated four times the amount he had taken.
Catwoman: What a goody-two-shoes.
Robin: It's a beautiful story of redemption, Catwoman!
Batman: Indeed, Robin. Jesus said that salvation had come to Zacchaeus' house that day, and this story is a reminder that anyone can be saved.