Batman: Robin, when I read the Bible, I can't help but be inspired by the story of Jesus and the faithful disciples.
Robin: You're right, Batman. In Luke 12, Jesus gives us a parable about a rich man who was determined to build bigger barns to store all his produce, but God called him out on his greed.
Catwoman: But what's wrong with wanting more?
Batman: Catwoman, Jesus cautions us against being too focused on earthly riches. He teaches us to store up treasure in Heaven instead.
Robin: That's right, Batman. Jesus also reminds us not to worry about what we will eat or wear. He says that God knows our needs, and he will provide for us.
Joker: Ha ha ha! That's a good one! What do you expect us to do, just sit around and wait for God to drop off a new wardrobe?
Batman: No, Joker. Jesus encourages us to trust in God and put our faith in him. He will provide for us, just like he provided for the birds of the air and the lilies of the field.