Batman: An interesting chapter, Robin! It begins with Jesus teaching his disciples how to pray.

Robin: Gosh, Batman, it sure does! He even gives them a special prayer to say.

Batman: But then things get interesting! Jesus starts talking about casting out demons, and how those who don’t believe can’t do it.

Joker: Ha ha ha! That’s so true! You need brains like mine to cast out demons!

Batman: (Glares at Joker) Not funny. Jesus also talks about how a person is like a strong man’s house that can only be entered once the strong man is bound.

Robin: Wow, Jesus sure had a way with words!

Batman: Then he talks about how the one who isn’t with him is against him, and how a person’s lamp will only be lit if they are generous.

Catwoman: Sounds like Jesus was giving a lot of good advice!

Batman: He sure was. He also talks about how a person’s wisdom is judged by their deeds, and that no one has greater wisdom than someone who obeys the will of God.

Robin: That’s a great way to live your life, Batman!