Peter: Alright, in Luke 11, Jesus is teaching his followers the Lord's Prayer.

Brian: You know, like the one from that movie with Whoopi Goldberg and Oprah, Sister Act?

Peter: I don't think that's the same one, Brian.

Stewie: Well, he does say that if you ask, you will receive. That's why I'm asking for a pony.

Brian: Stewie, Jesus isn't a genie in a bottle.

Lois: Anyway, then Jesus talks about how he's been sent by God to cast out demons and heal the sick.

Peter: Yeah, and then he says if you don't invite him in, he won't enter your house. Which is why I always keep my door unlocked.

Stewie: Oh, I get it. So that Jesus can come in and raid your fridge.

Lois: Stewie, that's not what it means.

Peter: Nah, it's cool. Jesus likes a good snack now and then.