Peter: Alright guys, let's see what we got here. Luke 2, huh? Okay, so this is the chapter where Jesus is born.

Lois: Wow, what an amazing moment!

Stewie: I know, right? I just can't handle the cuteness.

Brian: Alright, let's focus. This chapter starts with an emperor ordering all the people to go back to their hometowns and be counted.

Peter: Wait, like a census?

Lois: Yeah, and the emperor's name was Caesar Augustus.

Stewie: Caesar Augustus? What kind of name is that? Sounds like a salad dressing.

Brian: Anyway, so Joseph and Mary have to travel from Nazareth to Bethlehem, which is where Jesus is born.

Lois: And while they're there, they find a manger to put the baby in.

Peter: Aww, how cute.

Stewie: Yeah, it's like something out of an episode of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.

Brian: Also, an angel appears and tells some shepherds about Jesus' birth, and then a whole bunch of angels sing.

Lois: And then the shepherds go to see Jesus, and they tell everyone about Him.

Peter: Wow, what an amazing story.

Stewie: Yeah, it's like something out of a Disney movie.