Peter: Alright, so what's the Bible chapter this week?

Lois: It's Luke 1.

Peter: Ooh, Luke Skywalker! That's my favorite Star Wars character.

Cleveland: So, what does this chapter say?

Lois: Well, it starts off talking about a priest named Zechariah who is visited by an angel.

Peter: Like the one in Buffy the Vampire Slayer?

Lois: Yes, Peter, like the one in Buffy. The angel tells Zechariah that his wife Elizabeth will have a son, even though they are both old. The son's name will be John.

Cleveland: That's kind of like the plot of Big Daddy, only with a priest and an angel.

Peter: Yeah, I guess so. Then what happens?

Lois: Then Zechariah doesn't believe the angel and he is made mute until the baby is born.

Peter: Wow, that's rough.

Cleveland: What else?

Lois: Well, the next part talks about how Elizabeth's relative, Mary, is visited by an angel too. This angel tells her that she will have a baby even though she is a virgin.

Peter: Like in The Last Temptation of Christ?

Lois: Sort of, but with an angel instead of Jesus. Mary's baby will be the Son of God, named Jesus.

Cleveland: That's a lot to take in.

Peter: Yeah, I guess so. Well, that was Luke 1. See you guys next week!