Peter: Alright, so in Mark 16 Jesus rises from the dead, and his disciples see him. He then tells the disciples that they should go out and spread the gospel and perform miracles in his name.
Brian: Wait, so they're like superheroes?
Stewie: Yes, Brian, they are like superheroes. In fact, I think Jesus gave them some sort of magical superpower that allowed them to perform miracles. Like when Superman gets his superpowers from the sun or something.
Lois: Alright, enough with the pop culture references, let's get back to the Bible. So Jesus tells his disciples to go out and preach the good news, and that anyone who believes in him will be saved.
Meg: That's cool, but what else happens in this chapter?
Peter: Well, Jesus also tells them that if they don't believe, they will be condemned. He then ascends into Heaven, so I guess that means he's like Iron Man, flying away at the end of the movie.
Chris: Wow, so Jesus is like a real-life superhero!
Stewie: Yes, I guess you could say that!