Peter: So, Mark 2. Jesus is healing a Paralytic, right?

Stewie: Yes, that's right Peter. He's doing it in a house, and the crowd is so big they can't even get in the door.

Brian: So they take the Paralytic and lower him through the roof!

Peter: Wow, that's so cool! So then what happened?

Stewie: Well, Jesus sees their faith and tells the man his sins are forgiven.

Brian: Wait, Jesus can do that?

Peter: Yeah, that's pretty unbelievable.

Stewie: Yeah, the Pharisees were so jealous that they started grumbling about how only God can forgive sins.

Brian: Yeah, like the saying goes: Nobody forgives sins like Jesus! Just like nobody makes a better burger than McDonalds!

Peter: That's right! So then what happened?

Stewie: Well, Jesus says that he's the Son of Man and that he has the authority on earth to forgive sins.

Brian: Whoa. That's pretty powerful.

Peter: Yeah, pretty amazing. So then what?

Stewie: Then the man was healed and he was able to walk away.

Brian: Wow! That's a great story.

Peter: Yeah, nothing like a miracle to finish off a chapter, right?