(Peter Griffin) Alright, so in Mark 4, we got Jesus out there teaching the people with all these parables. He's like "Hey, it's like a farmer who goes out to sow his seed, and some falls on the road, and some falls on rocky ground, and some--" (Lois Griffin) Peter, that's enough of that! (Peter Griffin) Right, right, so he's teaching them with parables and then he gets in the boat and tells his disciples to cross the sea and he falls asleep. (Brian Griffin) But then a huge storm comes up, and the disciples are like "Jesus, wake up! We're gonna drown!" But Jesus wakes up and calms the wind and waves. (Stewie Griffin) Wow, Jesus is like a real-life Aquaman! (Peter Griffin) I knew it! So then they get to the other side and Jesus casts out the demons from this guy, then they cross back over the sea. (Lois Griffin) And then Jesus tells them another parable about the kingdom of God, and how it's like a mustard seed that grows into a big tree. (Brian Griffin) And then he tells them the parable of the lamp, and how it's not meant to be put under a basket, but to be put on a stand and be seen by everyone. (Peter Griffin) Yeah, and then he tells them the parable of the growing seed and how nobody knows how it grows. The end!