Folks, here's the deal. My father used to say, you gotta pay attention to the little things, and that's why I'm gonna tell you what I've learned about this bible chapter. See here, Jack, it's all about a farmer and his sowing. Literally, he was sowing seed in his field and then, excuse me, Jesus came along and explained to the people that it's like the kingdom of God. Or uh, you know, he said that some of the seed would fall on rocky ground and the birds would come and eat it. I'm not joking, folks, no malarkey! Jesus said that we gotta understand the parable, c'mon, man! Then he said that the seed is the word of God and some people won't understand it. What was that? The seed will die if it falls on the rocky ground and people won't understand it! I tell you what, that's not gonna happen. If you pay attention to the little things, you'll understand the parable. That's what I got out of this chapter. Listen, Jack, it's a reminder to us that the word of God will never die. Literally!