Listen, Jack, I'm tellin' ya, here's the deal. It's like this. Jesus was doing a lot of miracles, right? C'mon, man! He was healing the sick and making the blind see, and folks, it was amazing. My father used to say, "It's like he can do anything!" Well, no malarkey! Jesus was doing some amazing stuff, and ya know what? The people wanted to make him king. Not gonna happen, I tell you what. So, Jesus went up on a mountain and he called out his twelve disciples. Or uh, you know, he called them the Apostles. And he told them, "Hey, you gotta go around and help spread the gospel.” Excuse me. Anyway, then some of the Pharisees came around and said, “Jesus, you're possessed by Beelzebub!” See here, Jack, what was that? Jesus answered them, “Literally, you can't drive out evil with evil!” I'm not joking. That's what he said. So, the Pharisees were mad and they wanted to get rid of Jesus. But it didn't happen, folks! That's what I'm saying. So, just remember: don't drive out evil with evil. Not gonna happen.