Folks, here's the deal. Jesus and his disciples have arrived in Jerusalem, and I'm not joking, they are literally all over the place. See here, Jack, Jesus goes right to the temple and starts turning the tables on the money changers! Can you believe it? I mean, c'mon, man. My father used to say, "There's no room for malarkey like that!" Well, Jesus wasn't done yet. He then curses a fig tree and it withers, and I tell you what, when the disciples saw it, they were like, "What was that?" And Jesus said, "What's done is done. Or uh, you know, it's finished." Then he tells them to have faith in God, and that's when he says, "Not gonna happen – you can literally move mountains if you have faith." I'm telling you, folks, Jesus knew what he was talking about. That's the deal. No malarkey.