Folks, listen up. Here's the deal. I'm gonna tell you about the time Jesus went to the other side of the lake, and all the stuff that happened. See, there was this guy there, possessed by a bunch of demons. They were literally wreaking all kinds of havoc on the poor guy. Jesus was like, no malarkey, I'm taking care of this. He cast out the demons into a herd of pigs and they ran off a cliff and were gone. The people of the city were so frazzled they asked Jesus to leave, but he just said, c'mon man, it's no big deal.
And then there was this lady, a real sad case. She had been suffering from a bleeding disorder for 12 years and had spent all her money trying to get help, but nothing worked. Then she heard about this Jesus guy and what he could do and said, I'm gonna go see him. And so she did, and Jesus just said, "Hey, your faith has healed you," and she was instantly made whole.
That's the story of Mark 5, folks. My father used to say, you never know what Jesus is gonna do next. I'm not joking. He's always up to something. See here, Jack, Jesus is always looking for ways to help people. What was that? Oh, right. Or uh, you know, Jesus is always ready to bring healing and hope to anyone who needs it. Not gonna happen, I tell you. Excuse me.