Batman: Holy Bible, Robin! It looks like the Joker has been up to his old tricks again.

Robin: What happened this time, Batman?

Batman: In Mark 5, The Joker is at it again! He's taken control of a man possessed by an evil spirit.

Joker: That's right, Robin. But I didn't just take control of one man! I took control of two thousand pigs as well!

Robin: Two thousand pigs?

Batman: That's right, Robin. The Joker has the man in an uncontrollable state and the pigs are running wild.

Catwoman: Ha ha ha! Sounds like my kind of chaos!

Batman: Fortunately, the people in the area begged Jesus to help.

Robin: And did he?

Batman: Of course he did! He cast out the evil spirit from the man and caused the pigs to run off a cliff and drown in the sea!

Riddler: What a strange story!

Batman: Indeed, Riddler. But it shows just how powerful Jesus is and how he can overcome even the worst of evil.