Batman: Another chapter of the Bible, Robin. This time it's Mark 14.

Robin: What's it about, Batman?

Batman: Well, Robin, it's about the Last Supper. Jesus gathers with his disciples to have dinner and share bread and wine.

Catwoman: Oh, sounds like a party!

Batman: Not exactly, Catwoman. It was a somber occasion, as Jesus knew that he was about to be betrayed by one of his own.

Joker: What a twist!

Batman: Yes, Joker, but that's not all. Jesus tells his disciples that he will be arrested and put to death, but then he will rise again.

Robin: Wow, that's a lot to take in.

Batman: Indeed, Robin. Jesus then goes to the Garden of Gethsemane to pray, and is arrested by the authorities.

Riddler: How does it end?

Batman: Unfortunately, Riddler, it's not the end. Jesus is tried and sentenced to crucifixion, but there's still more to come in the next chapter.