Joe: Alright, so we've got Bible Expert here in the studio for the latest installment of our Bible chapter by chapter series. Today we're talking about Mark 14.
Bible Expert: That's right Joe. Mark 14 is a very interesting chapter. It begins with Jesus and His disciples celebrating the Passover.
Joe: Ah yes. So the Jews have their Passover celebration every year.
Bible Expert: Correct. And during this particular Passover, Jesus tells His disciples that one of them will betray Him.
Joe: Woah, that's intense. Who was it?
Bible Expert: Well, Judas Iscariot was the one who ultimately betrayed Him.
Joe: Ah, I see. Go on.
Bible Expert: Well, Jesus then goes to the Garden of Gethsemane to pray and His disciples fall asleep. While He's praying, Judas arrives with a group of soldiers to capture Him. Jesus is then taken to the house of the high priest where He is put on trial.
Joe: I'm sure that was a very stressful experience for Jesus.
Bible Expert: Yes, it was. But despite all of the false accusations against Him, Jesus remained silent.
Joe: Wow, that's some strength of character.
Bible Expert: Indeed. Eventually, Jesus is sentenced to death and is crucified.
Joe: That's horrible.
Bible Expert: Yes, it's a very sad and tragic event. But it's also a very important moment in the Bible, as Jesus' death and resurrection are significant milestones in the story of redemption.