Batman: "Holy Bible, Robin! We must pay close attention to Mark 1! It tells the story of John the Baptist and Jesus Christ!
Robin: "Gosh Batman, that's right! John the Baptist appeared in the wilderness and started preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.
Joker: "What?!? That's outrageous! What kind of nonsense is this?
Batman: "Oh, Joker, don't you see? The people were so moved by John's preaching that they went out to be baptized by him in the Jordan River.
Catwoman: "Aha! That doesn't sound so bad!
Robin: "That's right, Catwoman! Then, Jesus himself came to be baptized, and the Spirit descended on him like a dove.
Riddler: "Interesting, but what does that mean?
Batman: "It means that Jesus was chosen by God to bring a message of salvation to the world!
Penguin: "That's preposterous! I don't believe it!
Robin: "Believe it, Penguin! Because after Jesus was baptized, he was led into the wilderness by the Spirit, where he was tempted by the devil. But Jesus resisted the devil and began his ministry of preaching and healing.