Listen, Jack, I'm not gonna lie to ya, this chapter is a real doozy. C'mon, man, it's all about the end of the world. Here's the deal, it's gonna be literal chaos. My father used to say, if you mess with God's plan, you're in for a world of trouble. See here, Jack, the stars will be falling from the sky, the moon won't be giving out no light, and the heavenly bodies will be shaken. I'm not joking, folks, that's what it's gonna be like. What was that? Nations will be in anguish and men's hearts will fail them. Excuse me, but it's gonna be pretty rough. Or, uh, you know, there'll be false prophets and wars and famines and earthquakes and all sorts of crazy stuff. Not gonna happen, I tell ya, no malarkey! See, the Lord's gonna come, and it ain't gonna be pretty. Literally, it's gonna be the end.