Hey now, listen up, folks! I gotta tell you, Mark 7 is all about tradition, no malarkey, literally. My father used to say, "Joey, don't forget the traditions you have." And that's what Jesus is talking about here. See, he's talking to the Pharisees, and they're talking about tradition, and how the Jews don't eat with unwashed hands. But Jesus says, "C'mon, man! That's not what's important. What's important is what's inside of you. That's what God cares about." And then Jesus talks about how the Pharisees are more concerned about tradition than about honoring God. And then Jesus talks about how what goes into a person doesn't defile them, but what comes out of them does. And then Jesus says, "Excuse me, but what comes out of a person is what defiles them. See here, Jack, it's not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out of the mouth, that is what defiles them." So, I tell you what, don't forget what Jesus said here: what's inside of you is what matters. That's the deal, no malarkey.