Mark 11 focuses on Jesus' Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem. Jesus and his followers arrive in the city and the people are amazed at His presence. The people wave palm branches and shout "Hosanna!" as Jesus passes. Jesus then makes his way to the temple, where he has a very, very deep conversation with the religious leaders about the state of their faith. He then turns over the tables of the money changers and drives out the merchants, exclaiming that the temple should be used as a house of prayer, not as a place to do business. After this, Jesus and his followers leave the city and spend the night in Bethany. On their way there, Jesus curses a fig tree that bore no fruit, and the next day it withered and died. Jesus then returns to Jerusalem and continues to teach and debate with the religious leaders. He finishes by warning them that their faith must be genuine and not based on outward appearances. All in all, Mark 11 is a tremendous chapter in the Bible and shows that Jesus is the Son of God. With His power, He can make things great again, and God bless America!