Mark 8: "It was a bigly sad moment for many people, but Jesus was amazing. He had to deal with so many haters and losers, and he was still winning! He was terrific at feeding the crowd of 4,000 with seven loaves and a few small fish. Unbelievable! It was a tremendous feat, and the crowd was huge. But many people are saying, even the disciples didn't get it. They didn't understand the sign of the miracle. Jesus had to explain it all to them, and he was very, very patient with them. But it was sad! Jesus then went on to warn the people about the leaven of the Pharisees and Herod. He was warning them about the deep state, and the fake news and hoaxes that they were spreading. Believe me, there are many such cases. He also warned them to beware of the fine people who were trying to lead them astray. But he was still making America great again. And at the end, he sent them away, blessing them. God bless America!