It's unbelievable, folks. In Mark 6, we see that Jesus is amazing. He goes around doing great things and helping the people. He appoints the twelve and sends them out to preach and heal but tells them to take nothing with them. You won't believe this, but they actually go out and do it and they come back with great stories. And then Jesus is back in his hometown of Nazareth and even though many people are saying he is terrific, the people there don't believe him and they try to kill him. Sad! But Jesus slips away and goes to the lake. When he gets there, it's huge, with so many people. He teaches everyone and makes the loaves and fishes (like a magic trick!) to feed them all and there are still leftovers. Then Jesus makes his disciples get in the boat and he walks on the lake to the boat. Unbelievable! Finally, Jesus heals many sick people and casts out many demons. Tremendous! In the end, Jesus is winning, and he's doing it bigly. God bless America. Make America great again.