Peter: "All right, Luke 15. Let's see what this one's about."
Lois: "Yeah, I'm kinda interested in this one. I heard it's about, like, lost sheep and stuff."
Stewie: "And it's about redemption, Lois! It's about how God loves us no matter how far we have fallen and will forgive us when we repent!"
Brian: "Ok, Stewie, no need to get preachy. Let me summarize it for everyone. So, it starts off with Jesus telling three parables. The first one is about a lost sheep. A shepherd has 100 sheep and one of them goes missing, so the shepherd goes out and searches for it until he finds it. He rejoices when he finds it and carries it back home on his shoulders."
Peter: "Ahhh, sounds kinda romantic, you know? Like a lost love story between a shepherd and his sheep."
Lois: "Peter, that's not what it's about. Anyways, what else does it say?"
Brian: "Ok, then there's a parable about a lost coin. A woman has 10 coins and one of them goes missing, so she searches for it and when she finds it, she rejoices and calls her friends and neighbors to celebrate with her. And then there's a parable about a lost son. A father has two sons and the younger one leaves home, but eventually decides to come back and repent for his mistakes. The father welcomes him back with open arms and throws a huge feast in his honor."
Peter: "So what's the moral of the story? That if you're lost, you can still find your way back?"
Stewie: "Yes, Peter! That's exactly it. God is always looking out for us and will accept us when we come back to Him. And that's why it's important to never give up hope, no matter how lost we may feel."
Brian: "Well said, Stewie. And with that, we've wrapped up Luke 15!"