Batman: Behold, Robin! Jesus is being led to the cross!
Robin: Holy smokes, Batman! What a terrible sight!
Catwoman: Ha ha ha! Don't worry, boys. It's all part of the plan.
Joker: That's right, kiddies! The Lord of all creation is about to die a cruel death, and there's nothing you can do about it!
Batman: That's not true, Joker! Jesus was crucified to pay the price for our sins, and He will rise again!
Riddler: But that's not all, is it? Jesus is in the middle of a great debate between the rulers and the people.
Penguin: Yes! Even the criminals on either side of Jesus are mocking Him.
Robin: What a travesty! We must do something!
Batman: We must have faith, Robin. Jesus will soon redeem us all.