Batman: Good news, Robin! We have just encountered the healing of the Centurion's Servant, as described in Luke 7.
Robin: Aye, Batman! It's a miracle!
Joker: Not so fast! What about the widow's son and the crowd that was fed with a few loaves and fishes?
Batman: You're right, Joker! Jesus did both of those things, too!
Catwoman: Now, now. Let's not forget the most important lesson of Luke 7; that Jesus had "no faith in them"!
Robin: You're right, Catwoman! Jesus was teaching us that true faith comes from within.
Riddler: And Jesus also taught us that we should be humble and not judge others too harshly.
Batman: You are correct, Riddler!
Penguin: What else did Jesus do in Luke 7?
Robin: Jesus also warned of the dangers of rejecting God's message.
Batman: That's right, Penguin! We must remember that God's message is for everyone, not just for us.