Joker: Ah ha ha ha! I have a fiendish plan to derail the Bible, old chums!

Batman: Not so fast, Joker! We must first discuss the contents of Luke 8. Jesus continues to spread the Word of God, accompanied by his twelve disciples.

Robin: He tells them the parable of the sower and the seed.

Batman: Yes Robin, and goes on to explain the meaning of the parable.

Catwoman: He performs many miracles, healing the sick and casting out demons.

Batman: And the people are amazed.

Joker: Hmph! I'm not impressed.

Batman: Oh, but the people are. Jesus is teaching them about the Kingdom of God and what it means to live a life of faith.

Robin: But some of them don't understand and he tells them, "He who has ears, let him hear."

Batman: Exactly, Robin. It is the responsibility of each of us to take his Word to heart and live a life of faith.