[Batman and Robin enter the room]
Batman: Robin, I believe we have an intriguing case on our hands.
Robin: What is it, Batman?
Batman: It seems that a group of religious leaders have been trying to trap Jesus. They ask him questions about taxes and whether it’s lawful to pay them.
[The Joker enters the room]
Joker: Hehehe, sounds like a fun game! What did Jesus say?
Batman: Jesus told them to give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s.
Joker: Well, that’s a bit of a cop out, isn’t it?
Robin: No, it’s actually quite clever.
Batman: Indeed. Then the religious leaders ask Jesus about the resurrection from the dead.
Joker: Now that sounds like a real challenge!
Batman: Jesus tells them that God is the God of the living, not the dead. He then goes on to tell them a parable about the tenants of a vineyard.
Joker: Ooh, a parable! How did it end?
Robin: The tenants were judged for their wickedness and the vineyard was given to others.
Joker: A fitting punishment!
Batman: Yes, indeed. Then the people marveled at Jesus’ teaching.
Joker: Of course they did. He is the savior after all!
Batman: Indeed, he is.
[Joker exits the room]
Robin: What an interesting case! Let’s get back to work, Batman!