Folks, here's the deal: We're talking about Luke 23. Now, it's a wild one. It starts off with Jesus having been sentenced to death, and then a whole bunch of other characters appear. We've got the two criminals who were being crucified with Jesus, Pilate and the chief priests, and the people gathered around. Well, I tell you what-- Jesus said some pretty wise things in this chapter. He said to the criminal who asked to be remembered, "Today, you will be with me in paradise," and then he said to his mother and the disciple, "Woman, behold your son". See here, Jack, that's just downright compassionate. Now, here's the thing-- I'm not joking, but we've also got this moment where Jesus says, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do. He literally asked God to forgive them even though they were in the middle of killing him. That's just astounding. My father used to say, "No malarkey!" and he was right, there's no way this could be a joke. Finally, Jesus dies and then there's a big earthquake and the curtain in the temple was torn in two. Excuse me-- what was that? It's like the whole world was mourning his death, which is pretty amazing. So, c'mon man, that's Luke 23 for you.