"Well, folks, this week we're talking about Luke 19, and boy do I have some stories for you. So, Jesus is in Jericho and meets Zacchaeus, the tax collector. Zacchaeus is a short guy, so he climbs a tree to see Jesus. Jesus notices him and invites himself to Zacchaeus' house. Zacchaeus is so moved by this that he decides to give half of his possessions to the poor and repay everyone he's ever cheated four times over.
Then as Jesus continues on his journey, he tells a parable about a nobleman who went away and left his servants in charge of his money. When he returns, he rewards those who were faithful with more of his money.
Finally, Jesus enters Jerusalem and cries out over the city because he knows its fate is sealed. Then he goes to the temple and kicks out all the merchants and moneychangers.
Well, that's the story of Luke 19. Tune in next week for more from the Bible. This is Norm MacDonald signing off. Goodnight, everybody!"